
Foundlings Comic!

Created by PNKHSE Productions

A group of children the world had turned its back on…until they were the only hope it had left.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Updates on printing, shipping, and a Foundlings series!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 12:22:49 AM

Hello everyone, 

First of all, thanks so much again for your support on this project, and a journey that you have all made possible. We have some exciting updates to share, starting with an update on printing! As you can imagine, COVID has effected the publishing industry as a whole with print delays trickling down and hitting some of the smaller projects like ours the hardest. That said, these will finally be in our hands next week, and on their way to you all soon after. Surveys will go out this weekend, so please reply as soon as it's convenient, so we don't further delay getting your rewards to you!

Secondly, we are excited to report that we have had some strong interest from some of the major indie comics publishers to take Foundlings to a full fledged series! This was always our hope, and we know you'll agree after this first issue, there is so much more story to tell, and these characters journey has only just begun...

Speaking of characters, we thought now would be a great time to introduce our backers who will be appearing in the story! 

We'll post some photos of the finished comic when they arrive next week, and don't forget to fill out those backer surveys when they hit your inbox.

Thank you so much for your support, and above all, your patience. We really think we have something special in this first issue, and we are as anxious to hold it in our hands as you are!

Team Foundlings

A long overdue update...
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 09:58:47 AM

FIrst of all, thank you all so much for both your support and today, your patience. While all of us involved in Foundlings have run Kickstarters before and worked in various roles in comics publishing, every journey is full of surprises, and this one is no exception. 

We are thrilled to tell you that Foundlings is on its way to print this week, and we are working with a printer specializing in tight turnaround times to get all rewards to you as close to on time as hoped, with maybe a few exceptions. 

In more good news, we have had some very strong initial interest from multiple publishers, and should have news on the home of the remaining issues in the first story arc very soon. We are committed to this story and think you will be excited to see where we're headed with it.

We'll be posting photos of the finished comics as soon as they arrive, and later this week we'll be sharing some new pages, so keep your eyes here. 

Again, thank you all so very much for your support in this project. It really does mean the world to us, and we hope you are as happy with the finished story as we are.

Team Foundlings

Variant cover revealed, new tiers announced!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 05:33:27 AM

Thank you all so much for your support thus far! We are incredibly grateful for the past two weeks and all of those who have donated already. We are getting closer and closer to our initial goal, with some exciting stretch goals planned, including creating further issues in the series. With that goal firmly in our sights, today we reveal our exclusive Kickstarter variant cover, as well as an extremely limited alternate version in conjunction with the influential comic book news site, Bleeding Cool! For those who have already contributed, this special Bleeding Cool variant is available as a $20 add on for the next seven days ONLY. Both variants are below, and we hope you agree, these were well worth the wait!

Thank you all,

Team Foundlings 

Kickstarter Exclusive Variant by Emma Kubert
Bleeding Cool Exclusive Variant Cover